To join K7ARC/AzRCCC as a full member, you must hold an active Amateur Radio license and be a registered volunteer or employee with the Red Cross.

If you are not a Red Cross Volunteer/employee or a Ham, you can still join as an Associate Member, but with limited rights.

As a Full Member, all we ask is a willingness to be involved in club activities including participating in Red Cross communication drills/exercises and deployments, driving a Red Cross vehicle, training, equipment maintenance, antenna install parties and operating the Chapter/Ham radio equipment.

As an Associate Member, you can attend the meetings and social activities, be involved with install parties and operate the Ham station, if licensed. However, you will not have voting rights, be elected as an Officer, nor can you join us on deployments/exercises or drive a Red Cross vehicle due to Red Cross insurance restrictions. So please consider joining the Red Cross as a registered volunteer.

When you join as either member type, you will be given a subscription to ADAW – a monthly AZ newsletter. (You will be required to provide an email address to receive ADAW.) You will also be allowed to use any of the equipment at the Red Cross Communications center for which you are licensed. This includes HF rigs (3) and numerous VHF/UHF transceivers. We also have an extensive array of roof-top antennas at your disposal.

Dues are currently $15.00 per year. You can quickly apply online.  Questions?  Email

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