To join the AzRCCC as a full member, you must hold an active Amateur Radio license and have a
volunteer number (enter below) with the Red Cross. Associate Members must have an active Amateur radio license or be studying
to earn one, but do not have to be a volunteer with the Red Cross. Associate members do not have voting
privileges. If you do not have an amateur radio call sign, please enter first and last initial and the last 4-digits of your phone number in the call sign box
below. Dues are currently $15.00 per year. We seek members with a willingness to be involved in club activities including participating
in Red Cross communication drills/exercises, equipment maintenance and antenna install work parties.
When you join, you will be given a subscription to Arizona Desert Air Waves (ADAW)--a monthly newsletter.
You will also be allowed to use any of the equipment at the Red Cross Communications Center allowed by your license.
This includes HF rigs and numerous VHF/UHF transceivers. We also have an extensive array of roof-top antennas available.